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The Coach House Kilmuir Trust is a small registered charity, and as such we are completely dependent upon the generosity of our guests and supporters, and the financial offerings received through providing our retreat house services. We work hard at keeping our costs to a minimum, and are thankful for the work of our small staff team and larger team of volunteers who give so much of themselves to the daily running of the Coach House.

We are extremely grateful for all financial contributions, and welcome completed Gift Aid declarations as these provide some much needed additional support.

Please note for group retreats with a theme, e.g. HerSpace, Centering Prayer, Advent, and other events, the tariff may be different. Please see details relating to each event as listed on the programme.

2025 Charges for accommodation for an individual retreat

  • Full board per night £93 for a single ensuite bedroom with sea view
  • Full board per night £88 for a single ensuite bedroom with woodland view
  • Full board per night £85 for a single bedroom with shared shower room and toilet and sea view
  • Full board per night £95 for the Steadings Pod

Two of our ensuite bedrooms can be used as twin bedrooms if required. In this case a reduction of £6 per person per night is given.

Two people can share the pod (double bed) at a flat rate of £130 per night.

Charges for Spiritual Accompaniment during your stay here

For those staying here on a residential basis we offer spiritual accompaniment of up to 1 hour per session. We ask for a financial contribution for each session. For individuals requiring up to 4 sessions during their stay the charge is £15 per session. For those on a longer retreat the charge is reduced to £10 per session for any additional sessions. For example:

  • A personal retreat with six sessions of spiritual accompaniment would cost £80 in addition to your accommodation costs. (4 sessions at £15 plus 2 sessions at £10)
  • A personal retreat with eight sessions of spiritual accompaniment would cost £100 in addition to your accommodation costs. (4 sessions at £15 plus 4 sessions at £10)

Please help us by booking your sessions in advance. We are willing to discuss your retreat framework with you. If you wait until you are staying with us to request spiritual accompaniment, we will do our best to provide at least one session, but being a small team, we cannot guarantee there will be someone available to meet your request.

For non-residents the charge is £25 per session.

We do not want anyone to be prevented from coming to stay with us through lack of funds, so if this is a major concern, please contact us to see what may be arranged. Equally, if an individual is able to make a donation above this tariff, it will be most appreciated.

Financial support is available through a grant award or bursary from certain organisations such as The Society of Retreat Conductors and The Association for Promoting Retreats.