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Winter Newsletter 2024

Annunciation: Julia Stankova. Used with the artist's permission.

Dear friends

As we come to the end of our programme year here at the Coach House it seems fitting to notice that in our letting go and openness to new and unknown possibilities, we are being held and led through the Mystery that is Advent.

In a year of change and challenge, uncertainty, great love, and with the faithful support of our volunteers, the Coach House has been a place of quiet holding and safe harbour for many. The year ended rather unexpectedly when, just days before the final retreat was due to begin, the team succumbed to Covid-19 and made the difficult but necessary decision to close the Coach House doors to guests. We recovered sufficiently by the following week to welcome Nick Helm and Barbara Chandler from our Board of Trustees, and Ruth Flockhart who previously held the role of Coordinator, for a simple yet deeply moving Eucharist to mark Claire’s leaving. A ‘second leaving’ will take place in March next year when we all have rather more energy, and news of that will be sent out nearer the time.

As 2025 beckons and new life begins to stir we will be offering a three-month interim programme from March to May; details of which will be uploaded to the website in January next year. As mentioned in our previous Newsletter, the Board is keen to hear from you and will be reaching out in early 2025 with a survey. We are deeply grateful for your involvement during these months of silent ‘not knowing’ and for those of you who are prayerful and reflective, please continue to wait with us; holding The Coach House and all who care for Her in your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you all for the support, help and time you give to this community.

L to R: Lynn Darke, Claire Starr, Nick Helm, Nancy Billias, Ruth Flockhart, in the Sanctuary after the Eucharist to mark the end of Claire’s time as Co-ordinator at the Coach House. 


On Wednesday 11 December, Claire Starr laid down her responsibilities at the Coach House after over four years in the role and more than 10 years involvement in supporting the life of this amazing retreat house. 

Claire as co-ordinator has enabled the Coach House to weather the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic, providing oversight and great hospitality for the many who have come for retreat and restoration in the last few years. At the December meeting of the Board Claire’s significant contribution was acknowledged and much appreciation expressed.

Lynn Darke and Nancy Billias who have been on the Coach House staff over the last eight months will hold responsibility for the ongoing life of the Coach House while the Board discern the appropriate shape of the Coach House staff into the future. The Board is wholeheartedly committed to seeing the Coach House’s future unfold, believing it is a special place for retreat and refreshment.

Along with the Board, I want to express deep thanks to Claire for all she has given to the Coach House and to Lynn and Nancy for their commitment as we go through this period of transition.

Nick Helm, Chair of the Board, Coach House Kilmuir Trust